Thursday, February 28, 2013


PUTRAJAYA: Sebuah jambatan menghubungkan laluan dari Aman Putra, Puchong ke Cyberjaya runtuh kira-kira jam 1 petang, hari ini.

Jambatan berkenaan dibina melintasi Lebuh Raya Plus Putrajaya menghubungkan laluan ke Johor Bahru, Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur (KLIA), Ipoh, Shah Alam dan Subang Jaya.

Difahamkan, jambatan yang runtuh itu milik Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Selangor (PKNS) dan belum digunakan untuk laluan orang ramai.

Tinjauan di tempat kejadian juga mendapati masalah berkenaan tidak mengganggu perjalanan pengguna lalu-lintas dan tiada kecederaan serta kematian dilaporkan.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Siapa kata pegawai kerajaan tak kreatif ?

Alhamdulilah, selasai kelas untuk kursus Skecthup dan powerplugs. Terima kasih kepada semua yang menjayakan kursus ini. disepanjang kursus saya dapati peserta begitu tekun dengan tugasan dan saya juga terpegun dengan beberapa orang peserta yang begitu kreatif dengan tugasan yang diberi. Jadi..siapa kata pegawai kerjaan tak kreatif?

Tengah membebel wakakaka...

Cuma, sayang sedikit saya tak dapat nak kongsi tugasan yang beri dengan rakan-rakan atas faktor keselamatan. Apapun, sebenarnya kita akan dapat apa yang kita nak jika kita bersungguh-sunguh dan menjadi lagi hebat kalau kita minat dan menyukai apa yang kita buat.

selamat maju jaya buat semua....

Saturday, February 16, 2013

HOTS-Highly Oder Thinking Skill

Pagi tadi saya telah menghadiri mesyuarat PIBG sekolah anak saya. Yang menarik perhatian saya apabila pengetua bercakap berkenaan dengan HOTS (Highly Order Thinking Skill). Kurikulum sekolah pada masa ini katanya hendak mewujudkan pemikiran yang kreatif dikalangan pelajar.

Apa yang menarik perhatian saya , sekarang sistem pendidikan kita lebih menekankan keputusan cemerlang dikalangan pelajar dan lebih menjurus kepada menghafal untuk menjawab peperiksaan, maka jadilah pelajar seperti burung kakak tua atau burung tiong yang sangat petah berkata-kata tanpa memahami apa yang diperkatakan.

Teringat saya ketika saya menjawat satu jawatan pengurus di sebuah syarikat swasta. Ketika mencari dan menemuduga calon untuk mengisi kekosongan sesuatu jawatan, saya perhatikan calon yang mempunyai keputusan yang bagus dalam peperiksaan agak sukar untuk menjawab soalan saya yang lebih kepada menyelesaikan sesuatu permasalahan. Bukan calon tersebut tidak bagus tetapi syarikat perlukan seseorang yang berfikiran kreatif dan boleh menghadapi sebarang masalah yang dihadapi.

Apa yang kita perlukan adalah seseorang yang mempunyai pemikiran kreatif dan saya kira dengan sistem pendidikan lama yang kita ada tidak begitu berkesan untuk melahirkan generasi sebegitu. Alhamdulillah, nampaknya ramai yang nak berubah dan sistem pendidikan kita berubah sikit demi sedikit.

Cuma diharapkan janganlah sekadar hangat-hangat taik ayam dan hanya berubah untuk keuntungan politik sahaja. Ibubapa berperanan penting dalam perkembangan otak anak-anak, jangan mengharapkan 100% dari pihak sekolah. Kita adalah acuan kepada anak kita, generasi kita...

Ini hanyalah pandangan peribadi dan sekadar catatan salafian salleh....terima kasih.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Toxic metals may influence autism severity

Adams, JB, M Baral, E Geis, J Mitchell, J Ingram, A Hensley, I Zappia, S Newmark, E Gehn, RA Rubin, K Mitchell, J Bradstreet and JM El-Dahr.2009. The Severity of Autism Associated With Toxic Metal Body Burden and Red Blood Glutathioine Cell. Journal of toxicology doi:10.1155/2009/532640

Synopsis by Michele A. La Merrill, Ph.D.

Children with higher levels of metals – such as lead and antimony – in their urine had more severe autism, suggesting that metal levels in their bodies may contribute to its seriousness.

The severity of a child's autism coincided with the levels of toxic metals excreted in their urine after treatment with a metals removal therapy, finds a study published in the Journal of Toxicology. The higher the levels of lead, antimony and other metals excreted, the more severe was the child's autism. The findings hold true across four independent tools used to assess autism severity.

The results suggest to researchers that these metals may contribute to the degree of autism symptoms in the children. Because these children had autism before the toxic metals were measured, the study does not address whether the metals cause autism or the sources of the metals.

Autism is a severe disorder that impacts social, communicative and behavioral function. It is increasingly diagnosed in young children and affects them for life. While widespread, its cause is not known.
Some researchers have noticed that autism symptoms are similar to symptoms associated with toxic metal poisoning. Because of this, mercury, lead and other metals have been scrutinized for possible links to autism. Yet, even though some human research evidence suggests a relationship between metals and autism, the exact relationship remains a mystery.

Sixty-three children aged 3 to 8 years old participated in the study. The children had no mercury dental fillings and were diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. Researchers assessed the severity of autism using tools developed to either diagnose the condition or monitor the symptoms.

Measurements of toxic metals were taken from children’s urine before and after children were treated with oral dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA). DMSA is a medication approved for infant lead poisoning, though doctors sometimes use it to treat toxic exposure to other metals, like mercury. None of the children in the study had ever been treated with DMSA.

Lead and antimony excreted after the DMSA treatment were consistently associated with autism across the four severity assessment tools used. Mercury, aluminum and tin were associated with some – but not all – of the severity assessment tools. DMSA treatment significantly decreased urinary lead levels, as expected. This therapy also effectively removed a number of other toxic metals from the children, including tin, bismuth, tungsten, thallium, antimony and arsenic.

In these kinds of studies, the level of one type of metal found in a child is related to the level of another type of metal found in the same child. So even though the levels of lead and antimony in this study correlated to autism severity across all four of the assessment tools used, the researchers cannot be sure which of the individual metals measured relate to autism severity in this study. Identifying autism severity in people with only lead or antimony exposure might help to solve this question.

This study raises more questions about the role of toxic metal exposures in the severity of autism spectrum disorder. A larger study that assesses autism severity both before- and after- DMSA treatment, while documenting the effectiveness of DMSA treatment, would lend further credibility to the notion that toxic metals influence autism severity.

This study suggests that DMSA is effective therapy to remove a variety of toxic metals from children. Regulatory agencies could evaluate the treatment and develop appropriate treatment guidelines for DMSA uses.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Sekadar Nak Tahu

Ini adalah keratan akhbar BH..4/8/2011....

Kajian USM dapati sub-etnik penduduk paling asal di Semenanjung

KOTA BHARU: Sekumpulan penyelidik Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) yang melakukan kajian berhubung asal usul bangsa Melayu melalui kaedah genetik menunjukkan Melayu Kelantan kemungkinan besar orang Melayu paling asal menetap di Semenanjung sejak lebih 60,000 tahun.

Kumpulan penyelidik diketuai Timbalan Dekan (Penyelidikan dan Pengajian Siswazah), Pusat Pengajian Sains Kesihatan USM, Prof Madya Dr Zafarina Zainuddin yang mendapat geran RM1.4 juta daripada Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi, melakukan kajian terhadap 10 sub-etnik Melayu di Semenanjung Malaysia bagi mengetahui asal usul Melayu.

Sub-etnik berkenaan adalah Melayu Jawa di Johor dan Selangor, Melayu Aceh (Perak), Melayu Minang (Negeri Sembilan), Melayu Banjar (Selangor dan Johor), Melayu Bugis (Selangor dan Johor), Melayu Rawa (Perak), Melayu Champa (Perak, Kedah dan Kelantan), Patani (Kelantan), Melayu Kelantan dan Kedah Langkasuka.


Sebagai seorang yang beragama islam kita percaya yang manusia pertama yang diturunkan ke dunia ini adalah Nabi Adam A.S. Dipercayai Jarak Tahun diantara nabi Adam dan kita sekitar 10,000-20,000 tahun. Jadi yang berumur lebih 60,000 tahun tu siapa? alien ke? sesungguhnya pengetahuan kita adalah sangat terbatas berbanding pengetahuan ALLAH..

p/s:  Jangan lupa solat 5 waktu yang wajib. tambah lagi 1 pada waktu Dhuha, 1 pada Malam hari. jadilah ia 7 seperti mana Allah ciptakan 7 petala langit, 7 petala bumi, 7 lapis surga, 7 lapis Neraka.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Cara untuk memasang Powerplugs

1.Klik setup.

2. tekan next bila paparan di bawah keluar

3. Agreement. Klik ‘yes’

4. Masuk maklumat yang dikehendaki. Kemudian klik ‘next’

5. Pilih destinasi lokasi fail yang dikehendaki. Kemudian klik next.

6. Kemudian klik ‘next’, ‘next’ sehingga selesai.

7. Anda akan perasan, PowerPlugs akan muncul di tab ‘add-ins’ pada PowerPoint seperti gambar di bawah.

8. Lakukan perkara yang sama pada perisian PowerPlugs yang lain. Selamat mencuba..Sehingga berjumpa ditopik yang lain..

Powerplugs untuk Powerpoint

Saya rasa nak ulas satu software yang agak bagus iaitu PowerPlugs
Perisian ini adalah perisian tambahan kepada powerpoint, atau lebih senang kita panggil add-ins. Perisian ini boleh menambah 'power' kepada presentaion anda. Contoh, Powerplugs boleh menghasilkan transisi seperti mana kita tonton di TV.

Antara perisian Powerplugs yang ada adalah, powerplugs transitions, powerplugs 3D titles, Powerplugs Video background.

Anda boleh menggunakan video sebagai background dengan perisian ini dan juga anda boleh meletakkan tajuk di atas video yang lazimnya agak sukar nak buat sekiranya menggunakan PowerPoint secara bersendirian. Boleh dipasang pada Powerpoint versi 2007 ke atas.

Saya akan megadakan kelas untuk PowerPlugs ini (tertutup) selepas hari raya cina ni. semoga anda boleh mencubanya dan kalau saya berkesempatan. saya akan tunjuk cara untuk memasangnya. jumpa lagi...

Betul ke Vaksinasi Penyebab Autism?

Petikan dari

(NaturalNews) For many years the stories from devastated parents have been eerily similar. A young, bright child vaccinated with MMR, has minor side effects such as high temperature and being off food, and then develops the debilitating disability of autism.

Whilst the mainstream medical profession deny the link between autism and the triple shot of measles, mumps and rubella, there have been many who have argued to the contrary. Statistics show the increases in autism correlate alarmingly with the introduction and uptake of the MMR vaccine. And Now in an Italian court, there has been a landmark ruling for a child whose parents claim that his autism was triggered by MMR.

The parents of Valentino Bocca have been awarded 112,000 Euro to be paid by the Italian ministry of health. They are now seeking a further 800,000 Euro in a civil case. The story is a tragic one, Valentino, developing normally, was given the shot at 14 months and started to suffer from diarrhea, lost interest in food and within a few days lost the ability to use his spoon. Worse was soon to come when he began to be restless at night, screaming in pain for hours. It was later found that he was suffering from a painful bowel condition that is common in autistic children. With an adjusted diet of no wheat or milk, he was able to sleep but the autism symptoms continued, and even at the age of nine, he still does not speak.

The case featured three expert witnesses that concurred that "barring preexisting conditions there was a reasonable scientific probability that the MMR jab had triggered Valantino's condition." Judge Lucio Ardigo agreed that it was "conclusively established" that Valentino had suffered from an "autistic disorder associated with medium cognitive delay" and his illness, was linked to receiving the shot. The Italian shot has the same ingredients as the one used in the UK and US.

Proof in court of the link between MMR and autism, but will this be denied by the UK and US?

In the US over 5000 families are known to the mainstream media as believing that the MMR shot has triggered autism in their children, and the real figure could be much higher. Court rulings against the MMR include a 90,000 GBP (Great British Pound) payout for brain damage to a boy called Robert Fletcher, and a $1.5 million payout for Hannah Poling who received MMR and six other vaccinations in one day and then developed autism.

It is small comfort to the families of children who have suffered autism as a result of these vaccines, that there may be a flicker of light at the end of the tunnel. However, the common belief amongst the established medical profession is that it is better to vaccinate a child than not. The forceful way in which the government in both the US and Europe have pushed for vaccination with MMR, has left many parents believing they have no choice, despite the shot being voluntary. In the case of Valentino Bocca this pro-vaccine propaganda was detrimental to the government's case.

With this ruling, there is now a legal precedent in Italy that could cause an opening in the floodgates. Many parents will be looking to obtain their rightful compensation against the governments that have conspired in one of the greatest medical cover-ups of all time. A cover-up that has cost careers, the suffering of children and the lives of their parents.
Sources for this article include

About the author:
D Holt has written over 200 articles in the field of alternative health and is currently involved in research in the UK into the mechanisms involved in healing due to meditation, hypnosis and spiritual healers and techniques. Previous work has included investigations into effects of meditation on addiction, the effects of sulfites on the digestive system and the use of tartrazine and other additives in the restaurant industry. new blog is now available at or follow on twitter @sacredmeditate


Eloklah buat kajian sebelum kita MERANCANG nak ambik vaksin tu untuk anak kita. bukan apa ALLAH telah mencipta manusia yang merupakan sebaik-baik kejadian makhlukNYA. Tak payah le kita nak tokok tambah sesuatu ke dalam badan kita.....

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